Tre tocchi | Marco Risi | Maratea

"Tre Tocchi"  
(Three touches)

by Marco Risi (2014) 


Tre Tocchi, a film by Marco Risi set for some scenes also in Maratea, is the story of the football team founded by Pasolini, where he played in his spare time.
Among its members are six artists whose sentimental and work stories intertwine between an official match and a workout.

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Tre tocchi - plot

A group of six actors play in the free time in the football team founded by Pier Paolo Pasolini, trying hard to emerge in the artistic field.
Gilles is a young soap actor, handsome and loved by young girls, but unfortunately fragile and fell into the drug tunnel.
Vincenzo has a family problem with his father gravely and keeps himself alive by singing in the piano bar.
Leandro returns to Naples from time to time and passes himself off as trans, under the guise of Jennifer, the character he plays in the theater.
Even Max returns to Basilicata, his land of 0rigine, once he understands he can not aspire to a future with the profession of an actor.
Antonio instead makes theater, engages and studies, spurred on by the woman, older than 30 years, with whom she lives, and tries to the end.
Finally Emiliano threw in the towel and found work as a porter but continues to hope, in vain, to be able to make the artist "great".

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durata '100    
REGIA di Marco Risi


Francesco Frangipane, Marco Risi, Riccardo Di Torrebruna


Jonis Bascir


Andrea Busiri Vici


Valentina Girodo


Massimiliano Forlenza, Sonia Peng
Costumi:Antonella Balsamo

Emiliano Ragno
Massimiliano Benvenuto
Antonio Folletto
Vincenzo de Michele
Leandro Amato
Gilles Rocca
Marco Giallini
Luca Argentero
Valentina Lodovini
Claudio Santamaria
Matteo Branciamore
Neri Marcorè
Fabrizio Nevola


Ambi Pictures

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