Blanda | Museum| Tortora

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BLANDA JULIA. Enotrians, Lucans And Romans

Important archaeological excavations have affected over the years the territory of Tortora and Praia a Mare, just beyond the municipal boundaries of Maratea across the river Noce, with many found objects that have allowed the creation of the museum of Blanda.

Condotti dalla Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici della Calabria e in collaborazione con le Università della Calabria, di Messina e di Pisa i lavori hanno permesso di ricostruire l'evoluzione degli insediamenti succedutesi nell'area, ad iniziare dalle ere preistoriche.

Molti reperti del Paleolitico superiore sono stati rinvenuti nell'area di Rosaneto e nella Grotta di Torre Nave. 
Vestigia romane invece nel Mausoleo di Pergolo ma sopratutto nei resti dell'antica  città di Blanda Julia sul Paleocastro.

Alterne le vicende della città di Blanda Julia che dopo anche un terremoto, fu verosimilmente distrutta dai barbari di Alarico all'inizio del 400 d.C. , poi ancora dai Longobardi, ricostruita in una zona vicina e abbandonata definitivamente prima dell'anno mille a favore dell'attuale abitato di Tortora , dove era situato il Castello delle Tortore.

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BLANDA MUSEUM - Archeology in the low valley of the Noce River

The many objects discovered have allowed the creation of the Museum of Blanda and the setting up of the exhibition " Frammenti del passato" [Fragments of the past].

The halls of the Museum are divided into four major areas that tell and revive the civilizations present in the area and there are represented: Prehistory, Enotri, Lucani and finally Romans.

In addition to the finds of the various epochs, there are effective teaching panels and interesting reconstructions of environments that make the visit, far from boring and doascal, a pleasant and educational experience.

To make the viewing experience more engaging and fun, various multimedia applications are available, including 3D TV for virtual and three-dimensional reconstruction of objects and settings, as well as tablets to interact with the exhibition path.

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The Blanda Museum is housed in the new premises in the historic center of Tortora,  in Garibaldi Street.

We suggest to visit the Museum in the late afternoon
(Always check the opening times that vary according to the season by calling 0985 75171 or the Town Hall of Tortora)
Taking into account a commitment of about 1 hour for the only tour of the Museum.

You can continue the excursion by combining a walking tour of the historic center of Tortora with an aperitif in the fun places located in the main square and then continue with a typical dinner in one of the restaurants of the capital or the Sarre district (2 km by car ).
From Maratea there are about 20 minutes by car, along the S.S. 18 direction SUD then take Tortora Marina the road to the Old Town.

The Museum is located to the right of the Post Office, with the entrance under a porch.
Free entrance to the Museum

Free parking near the main square or the squares of the School adjacent to the Museum.


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