Maratea weather forecasts
what's about weather Forecast?
Although Maratea is a seaside resort located in Southern Italy, the presence of the mountains makes the climate very pleasant and also very suitable to develop the vegetation.
The result is a territory with a large green and very lush and the temperature with no peaks of heat and slightly damp.
The Weather in Maratea on the ground and at sea forecasts are given below for today and for the next few days, with the changed data in real time.
The Weather representatives can help you make sure you know the weather you will find when you think you can spend your holidays in Maratea and then predict whether and how to find good weather, consistent with the climate in Maratea is absolutely in favor of the whole year .
the weather today in Maratea
If you want to know the statistical averages for each month of the year please see the climate in Maratea.
A 5-day forecast
What to do if it rains ?
As the climate is there so good and the sea is so beautiful, what is the point to go anywhere else?
Discover the beaches of Maratea and decide what to visit first.
Or alternatively launched into a beautiful hike, the sea or in the mountains or the river ...
But if it rains you can always restore your spirit by visiting one of the many ancient churches in Maratea.
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