A DAY TO: Grumentum | excursion from Maratea

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Grumentum. The last Roman outpost

In one and a half hours of travel from Maratea you can reach the archaeological park of Grumentum, going from Lagonegro to the provincial roads 26 and 19 towards Moliterno or taking the SA-RE motorway to Padula and then state road 103 in the direction of Taranto .
It is an ancient Roman outpost, which gives us a long history lesson.

Romans and Carthaginians

Our first stop is the Museum of the Upper Val d'Agri, which houses fragments of elephas antiquus fangs and pleistocene mammalian teeth; Bronze Age tools, related to domestic activities, such as bowls for milk processing or boilies; Ceramics and ornaments of the VIII and VII sec. BC, also coming from burials and demonstrating the cultural and commercial growth of the area, due to the greater contacts with the Greek coasts and colonies.
The strong point of the museum, however, consists of what comes from the nearby archaeological site, now used as a park: fragments of marble statues - including a head depicting Livia Drusilla - coins, epigraphs, funerary furniture, clothing accessories etc. .
The reason for this abundance of testimonies is due to the very history of the city of Grumentum - and in the meantime we move along with a museum keeper to the vast archaeological site.

The Archaeological Area

The first testimonies of foundations in the Val d'Agri of fortified centers on the reliefs and in the bottom valleys by the Lucani date back to the 6th-5th century BC
Grumentum is located at the confluence of two rivers and in the VI century, in fact, is dated a bronze statuette found here and now preserved at the British Museum in London depicting a soldier on horseback.
On this pre-existing settlement is founded by the Romans in the III sec. A .C., a strategic military outpost, located between two important trade routes (towards Taranto and Reggio), and became the scene of two battles between Carthaginians and Romans and then hard-hit by social wars for supporting Rome.
Starting from I sec. B.C. Grumentum is rebuilt and enriched by public and private buildings, becoming imperial age one of the wealthiest and most important cities of Roman Lucania, with a very extensive jurisdiction and so much to be chosen in 305 AD. As a residence by Massimiano, august for the West.
Even today, those stones show the ancient preciousness: walking, we recognize the hole, the amphitheater, the theater, the thermal baths, the temples, a domus patrician with beautiful mosaic floors.
The theater, in particular, being well preserved, revives the splendor of a time as part of the Summer Theater Exhibition of Stone.


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