Typical food of Maratea
Among the typical foods of Basilicata and Maratea in particular stand out some craft products whose origin is often far in time.
In addition to knowing how they are made it is interesting to know the origin of the names of foods in common use, names that we often ignore and that help us understand better and appreciate more what we eat.
This page shows the news regarding foods reported in the recipes of the first and second courses and traditional sweets of Maratea.
The origin of food names
La Melanzana
Scapici or scapece
For some the name scapici could derive from the Spanish ecapeche or from the French escabèche or from the Latin expression ex Apicio (Apicius was the greatest writer of culinary art of ancient Rome).
Most probably, however, the origin is Arabic (scapece) and indicated a particular recipe for fried fish and then marinated in salt and vinegar.
Mostaccioli or Mustazzoli
Massa: Mozzarelle etc.
Next to the meat the cheeses: exceptional mozzarella and caciocavalli, both from Massa.
In this area the culmination is certainly reached with the "squacchiamadduni", the typical intertwined mozzarella from Massa.
It is probably the climate that adds a touch of magic that makes these dairy products unique in the regional scene and in general in southern Italy.
But beyond the typical products there are dishes, the specialties of the most genuine gastronomic tradition: recipes of traditional dishes to be enjoyed in the restaurants of Maratea but also to try inserting them in the menu of your own home.
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